Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Dressage Boot Camp-Check!

As I mentioned before, after Fair Hill Apollo would be spending the next two weeks in dressage boot camp with Holly while I ran home, did some college shopping, spent time with Cordoba my other horse and spent a week in the Keys.
We flew home on Saturday, drove back down to NC on Sunday, had a lesson with Holly at 7:30 am on Monday then Apollo had his feet done and we drove back up getting home around 7ish.
In my lesson with Holly she started out riding him to show me how she's been warming up, what to watch for when he's trying to evade actually working, etc. Basically I was watching this long legged bay gelding go around the ring thinking, okay this horse is amazing but now when is she going to bring MY horse out??
Well as i should have guessed, Holly is amazing. Apollo was immediately moving straight, through, and supple-y at all 3 gaits. A small head toss here and there assured me that it was in fact my horse.
When it was my turn to get on all I could think was that I hadn't ridden in a week, okay just don't mess him up!!
Well i can't say it was my best riding ever but Apollo was behaving incredibly. I wasn't doing anything, I was just thinking what I wanted to do and he would do it.
I also got my new favorite jacket that i may never take off even if it is in the 90's and humid:
HCH jacket with sponsors on one sleeve and my name on the other!
After an incredibly tactful proposition to Holly by the HCH working students back in the beginning of July she ordered these for us and they just came in after Fair Hill. We are all incredibly excited about them and I can guarantee you that I will be wearing my jacket with my Stew Crew shirt and my HCH hat at Virginia HT! (and probably before then too).
I don't have any shows planned until VAHT but that can change very quickly as soon as i figure out my school schedule. Apollo is now at Calypso Run Farm in VB where he is finally going to get to jump and gallop (and do some more dressage but shhh don't let him know that!) until we pack him and most of my stuff into the trailer for college!
Oh and btw, did anyone else feel that 5.8 earthquake that rattled the whole eastern seaboard from New York to North Carolina or was that just me?

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