Wednesday, June 15, 2011


I've been here for 6 full days now and while that may not seem like a lot to some people, for me it seems like months. Which is completely a good thing (by the way). But since I've been here I've noticed a few things that I enjoy comparing. For example, Holly's favorite choice of swear words to Boyd's (not going to clarify here, you'll just have to find out for yourselves).
Another example is Stewie's hand grazing patterns to Otis'. Yes, that's right. I have no life. OR you can look at it as, I have spent 45 minute intervals hand grazing these boys and get very bored, very quickly. (In case you care, Stewie will graze anywhere as long as it is the opposite direction from where you tell him to be, while Otis firmly believes it is his duty to weed the edges of the driveway.)
My favorite is the way Boyd's barn looks and runs, compared to the way Silva's is. While I have not spent a large amount of time over at Silva's barn, the reputation and stories are enough.
1. At Silva's, everything has a place and it is never on the floor. At Boyd's, things have places but the floor's alternative uses are respected and exercised.
2. At Silva's, every horse has a regular stall that they are in at designated times. At Boyd's, every horse has a stall, but they often times visit other stalls, cause who said change is a bad thing?
and 3. At Silva's, the fly sheets are either on the horse or hung in the wash rack neatly. At Boyd's the fly sheets are on the horse or folded in some way so that they are on the stall door, or the other horse's stall door, or sometimes the middle of the field.
(Both barns are completely professionally run, just take different roads to the same place)
(Also all assumptions about the barns are just an onlooker's opinion and not to be taken seriously...please)
My final comparison is saddles. This is a personal one for I get to make the big decision: Devoucoux or not. As a graduation present I was given X amount of dollars toward a cross country saddle of my choice (I have to pay whatever the X does not cover). So should I go for the Devoucoux or maybe a different saddle. The alternative I have been considering is the new saddle by Wise Equestrian. I've seen the saddle in person (aka the demo ones are right below me) and they really are as cool as they seem: more airflow, better contact with the horse, and cheaper too. But, on the other hand Devoucoux has a reputation for reliably good saddles, great response to horse dimension changes plus the saddle soap just plain smells amazing!
Seeing as I've never put either saddle on my horse, or truly ridden in either saddle (okay so I've hacked a few horses in Devoucoux s, wasn't really enough to form a decision about it.) I can't really make a decision about it. Who knows maybe one of these days as I'm working for Boyd, I'll get to try out one of the saddles. Until then I'm still up in the air until something changes my mind!
Will post when I'm able to do that!!

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