Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Live in the Now

I've been doing yoga for a couple of months now to compliment my riding, and in tonight's class my wonderful yoga instructor Sylvia Vitazkova said something that stuck with me. As we were twisting our bodies into some crazy pretzel shape one of my classmates remarked that she used to be able to do it. Sylvia responded that we need to forget who we used to be and focus on who we are now.
How many times have you heard someone say that they could do the splits, make a slam dunk, or win a boxing match "back in the day"? Or hear someone lamenting about how they used to be able to do blankity-blank, why can't they do that now?
While it's great to be proud of previous accomplishments, you need to remember that everyday your body changes, whether it's gaining or losing weight, muscle or flexibility, it is changing. I found this to be especially important as I am pursuing my riding education. Sure I can sit here all day and tell Allison, Karen, Holly or whoever that I have a perfect position over fences and my eye for distances is impeccable because that's what my trainer told me when I was 12. Well not only does it not matter if I can't show it, but also think of how many things have changed or happened to me in the past eight years. I certainly don't have the same body, I'm not on the same horse, and I'm jumping bigger and more technical questions. While I wish I could pick a level of muscling and hold onto it forever, or wish that height won't matter to me, my eye stays the same, that's just not true.
So next time you are struggling with something that used to be easy, just remember to focus on what you can do now, what you want to be able to do and what you can practice doing to get yourself there. 
And for sake of your sanity, leave your past self where they belong, in the past.NSYNC then and now...the feels? Nope.
Change is hard to accept, but accept it we must. And reunions are always good ;)

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