Wednesday, August 14, 2013

No Rocky montage for me

So guess what happens when you hurt an internal organ? Pain, some hospital time, then a lot of nothing.
Being sentenced to time at home for most people is probably awesome. Get to miss work, catch up on tv shows and just generally lounge around. But when this happens to an athlete, an eventer specifically, it is very close to torture.
This is what I want to be doing:

But due to said internal injury, any kind of physical exercise that utilizes the abdomen or core (aka EVERYTHING) is out of the question.

So what will I be doing? Well getting very much ahead with my homework (why yes, I am still earning my degree through online school), cleaning the house to a point of absurdity, and cooking fattening food for my roommates so I feel better about the death of my muscles.
But basically this is what I'm doing:

Auf Wiedersehen friends!!

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